miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011

Algunas Nominaciones del Oscar 2011

No pondré todas las nominaciones, solo escogeré algunos, en caso que deseen conocer todas las nominaciones pueden ingresar a este Link.

Best Actress
Natalie Portman - "Black Swan"

Best Director
Darren Aronofsky - "Black Swan"

Best Writing (Original Screenplay)
Christopher Nolan - "Inception"

Best Art Direction
Alice in Wonderland” Production Design: Robert Stromberg; Set Decoration: Karen O'Hara
“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1” Production Design: Stuart Craig; Set Decoration: Stephenie McMillan
“Inception” Production Design: Guy Hendrix Dyas; Set Decoration: Larry Dias and Doug Mowat

Best Cinematography
Black Swan” Matthew Libatique
“Inception” Wally Pfister

Best Makeup
The Wolfman” Rick Baker and Dave Elsey

Best Picture
“Black Swan” Mike Medavoy, Brian Oliver and Scott Franklin, Producers
“Inception” Emma Thomas and Christopher Nolan, Producers

Best Visual Effects

“Alice in Wonderland” Ken Ralston, David Schaub, Carey Villegas and Sean Phillips
“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1” Tim Burke, John Richardson, Christian Manz and Nicolas Aithadi
“Hereafter” Michael Owens, Bryan Grill, Stephan Trojanski and Joe Farrell
“Inception” Paul Franklin, Chris Corbould, Andrew Lockley and Peter Bebb
“Iron Man 2” Janek Sirrs, Ben Snow, Ged Wright and Daniel Sudick

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